Thursday, July 2, 2015

Database problems

“Test connection failed for the data source PLANTSDB on server dmgr at
node was6host01CellManager01 with the following exception:
java.sql.SQLException: Database ‘...\PLANTSDB' not found. DSRA0010E:
SQL State = XJ004, Error Code = 40,000. View JVM Logs for further

 The View JVM Logs hyperlink in the error message will be used to begin the problem determination.

 __ 1. View the JVM logs.
__ a. Click the View JVM Logs hyperlink in the Test connection error message.
__ b. Click the View button of the SystemErr.log. Note that the log has more lines
than can be shown on one screen. You should view the last 200 lines to see the
error message.

Creating a database connection: Common problems
ƔTypical problems that arise when configuring a database
connection are:
– Spelling errors or typos when filling in the parameter values
– Client JAR files necessary to the JDBC Provider are not present
– Lack of user permissions on the database server
– Connectivity problems because of network topology or a database
that has not been started
ƔThe problems encountered when configuring a database
connection are usually easy to fix if you know what to look for
and where to look:
– WebSphere Application Server V6.1 provides immediate feedback
when testing a connection
– The SystemErr.log contains explicit information about the actual

Data source database parameter problems:
ƔThe data source is the connection between the application
server and the database.
ƔCommon configuration problems consist of:
– Incorrectly specified database server parameters
– Incorrect user authentication credentials
ƔUse the Test Connection service and examine the error
ƔAs suggested by this error message, the JVM logs are a good
place to begin the problem determination activity


Data source database parameter problems: Diagnosis
and resolution
ƔThe SystemErr.log tells you that the address provided was
invalid for the connection.
ƔA connectivity problem could be as a result of an incorrect
database name, server name, or port number.
– If this is a large organization, the database administrator might have to
be consulted to verify that database name.
– You can verify that the server name is correct by attempting a ping of
the machine or a Telnet session.
– The port number could have been changed to something other than
the default
• If it is a DB2 database, the port number can be discovered through the
DB2 Configuration Assistant or by exporting the instance parameters by
using the DB2 Control Center.
3/8/06 11:13:22:458 MST] 0000000a SystemErr     R
Operation timed out: connect:could be due to invalid address at Method)


 Data source database authentication problems:
ƔIf you run the Test Connection service and receive an error
message like:
ƔIt is signifying a problem with the authentication credentials.
This could be a result of:
– Misspelled user name or password
– Assigning the wrong JCA credential definition to the data source
– Missing user account for this user on the database server machine


Data source database authentication problems:
Diagnosis and Resolution
ƔThe exception in the SystemErr.log file says that the password
is invalid:
ƔHowever, in this particular case, it was as a result of assigning
the incorrect JCA authentication definition to the data source.
Therefore, it is important to inspect all of the parameters
associated with the user authentication and verify that they are
ƔThis might include coordination with the database administrator
or server security administrator to verify that the user account
actually exists and is a member of the group that is able to
access the database.
[3/23/06 10:40:16:492 CST] 0000003e SystemErr     R java.lang.Exception:
java.sql.SQLException: Connection authorization failure occurred.  Reason: password
invalid.DSRA0010E: SQL State = null, Error Code = -99,999

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